Schoooooool !
Recently , every Friday keep going Hubby's house to sleep XD
I like it ;)
Ok , wanted to have our lunch at a 猪肉粉 shop at Menjalara .
But Hubby saw 'someone' there so he decided just to take away and went back home to eat .
This is the best 猪肉粉 I have ever tasted !
After meal , sleeeeeeep :D
After 2 hours , woke up & bath .
Then wake Hubby up .
The hardest thing being together with him is waking him up .
He won't even open his eyes if you slap or kick him -,-
After 10 minutes of finally waking him up , off to tuition !
I'm such a good girl :)
School on a Saturday .
What a bummer !
The sit of Cloud Ng .
Again , Hubby pick me up after school ;)
Pizza Hut for lunch :DD
Then went back to his house to change .
When we was at his room , we did something so disgusting .
Laughing the whole way out .
I & him was like ewwwwwwwww !
Anyway , it's a secret ;P
We wanted to take a walk at Desa Park City but it was drizzling .
Hubby say he don't want to go because he's scared that we might get sick .
But I keep intended to goooo !
I know I'm stubborn :(
So at last we argued .
Went back home without going anywhere .
Rawr !!!!
Last day of pc fair !
Had our brunch at a restaurant in KLCC .
Then started our walk at the pc fair .
After 2 hours+ of walking there , finally brought home some things ;D
Weeeeeeeeeeeee :D
Btw , I'll still love my Olympus cammie <3
And Daddy also bought a new monitor for himself .