Well , last Saturday went out with Hubby to do some shopping .
It's not for my cosmetics or boutique , it's for my upcoming BBQ Party :)
Before that , went to Pizza Hut for lunch first .
After that , intended to go Kepong Jusco for a movie .
Phua Chu Kang The Movie
But Hubby was not a fan of PCK so canceled the plan .
Ish ==!
So I decided to leave Jusco and go to Carrefour for my groceries .
But Hubby said that we should take a look at Jusco's supermarket .
Then I found out that there's really a lot of cheap things there .
Woots woots !
After buying a lots of things then only I realise ...
But luckily , I've forgotten to bring back the recycle bag Hubby's dad gave me last time , so now it's being useful :)
Sohem him :)
Play basketball at the parking lot !
So he went out to da bao 猪肉粉 while I stayed home playing DDT .
I tell you I have a bull stomach ah !
So we end up sharing it .
I hate sharing !
Especially foods !
And it's my favourite food !
Since you're my Hubby I forgive you .
Wahhh ~ why am I so sap when typing this post ==
After staying a while at Hubby's house , went to his stall .
Ok peeps , wait for my next post .
It's gonna make you Laugh Out Loud ! :D